Sunday, June 17, 2012

Looking out the window

Sorry I haven't blogged lately. I've been taking a little vacation in Bluff, UT. The annual outing. While I'm putting some photos together and collecting my thoughts on this interesting trip I thought I'd try to capture your imagination with a few things I saw and photographed while inside the car. Now, I know what you're going to say, "Andy, you can't take good photos looking outside the window of a moving car." Well, you're probably right, but here is my attempt anyway.

Below is a photo of the Recapture Lodge in Bluff, UT where we stayed. Gotta love this place, and what a great little swimming pool. Of course, any pool is nice when the weather is 95 degrees!

I got this photo while everyone was looking at Mexican Hat. I looked out the other other window and found this more interesting. Thoughts?

This road was certainly interesting. It's called the Moki Dugway. You just have to take a picture from the inside of your car here! From the top you can see All sorts of cool things. More on this later.

Below is a photo of the mountains around the Continental Divide going over Wolf Creek Pass. Not bad for 50 miles per hour eh? And no, I wasn't driving.

This was taken in Colorado just North of Trout Creek Pass looking East. The fire is near Lake George and is about 25 miles away, between us and Colorado Springs. We checked and the fire is out of control. Our beautiful state is on fire!

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