Thursday, November 17, 2011


Without a doubt, business is dependent upon society and is a part of society. First year business students learn that the purpose of business is to create value. Business creates goods and services which enrich customers who can't or are unable to create it themselves. They pay for it, and value is created both ways. It's the American way.

Business is conducted in a social context and it's determined by community, church, state, and nation, as well as by business itself. Business and society are not discrete, separate entities in a community, they ARE the community. Occupy Wall Street cannot just clip it out. Business represents our values, our philosophies, our way of life. They produce both social climate and business enterprise.

Is government going to control our social life? How will it support free enterprise if this happens? And you can ask the reverse questions too. Is government going to control free enterprise and if so how will it support freedom? They forget that free enterprise is dependent on free men and women, and that restricted mobility, controlled thinking, and managed social orders are the paths to conformity, lassitude, and sterility.

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