Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Generating Passion for God

By ourselves we can't generate true passion for God simply because we "try hard enough." There are no formulas that produce this passion. You can fast, read the Bible everyday, resist temptation, give generously, go to church every Sunday, and of course these are good things, but at the end of the day, they're not enough to fill us with passion for Christ.

True passion for God is a work of His Holy Spirit. He is the one who entices us and lures us to pay attention to Him and to ultimately find Him. God's spirit points the way by helping us to face the truth about ourselves, truths that will either destroy us and help us to find God. I think part of the job of finding God, is to honestly face those disturbing realities about ourselves which can easily destroy us. Doing this is a conscious choice.

I like what Crabb said in his book, Finding God, "The deepest pleasures in life don't satisfy, they point us forward." The problem is, I continually want what this life can't provide.

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