Dostoyevsky writes; "Why did Providence hide its face "at the most critical moment "... as though voluntarily submitting to the blind, dumb, pitiless laws of nature?"
In Jesus' final hours at the last supper, he removes his outer clothing, wraps a towel around his waste and washes the feet of all the disciples. Foot washing was considered so degrading that a master would not expect it from a slave. Then the disciples argue about who is the greatest and who will sit at the right hand of Jesus in heaven! Jesus simply told them that the greatest among you shall be the youngest and the one who rules like the one who serves. Then, Jesus is betrayed.
Larry Crabb writes about this Jesus who is still relevant today, "The Spirit always points to the Christ of the Bible, the One who offers no guarantees that my marriage will survive, that the biopsy will yield good news, or that I won't lose my job. The Spirit exposes a problem in my soul worse than my suffering, then reveals the God of Grace. He tells me I can know this God; I can know His heart, rest in His power, and hope in His purposes. And I can see it all in Christ. He keeps stirring my heart to say, "Just give me Jesus!"