This year as I've worked closely with so many business people I've come to realize the importance of doing and acting on the right thing each day and moment, making good moral decisions, sticking to what you believe in, walking the talk and not just talking the talk, hard work, caring for others, and having a sense of humility. These characteristics say something about who you are as a person. While I am far from perfect, I do understand these words from James Michener in The Fires of Spring. Perhaps only God can position a person to end up this way. May your new year end up on the right end of this...
"For this is a journey that men make to find themselves. If they fail in this, it doesn't matter much what else they find. Money, position, fame, many loves, revenge are all of little consequence; and when the tickets are collected at the end of the ride, they are tossed in a bin marked failure. But if a man happens to find himself, if he knows what he can be depended upon to do, the limits of his courage, the position from which he will no longer retreat, the extent of his dedication then he has found a mansion which he can inhabit with dignity all the days of his life."
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Boating in Main and Mass
I found these great photos of Tyler and me sailing up the coast of main with Mark, Jim, and their boys. We took about a week of vacation and ate enough lobster for a lifetime. Below Tyler is pictured with Jim.
Tyler caught a crab and I think it was at Boothbay Harbor. At any rate the swimming was great and there was lots to do in every port.
Not sure you can see, but the smile on Mark's face is huge when you're at full sale. I don't know what I enjoyed more, watching the sailboat slip through the ocean waves at full speed or Mark's grin.
We had a great time on this trip. But why do they have such a big steering wheel? Maybe they think the captain won't be able to find it? Who knows?
A year later we had a meeting in Boston. Mark and I took the boat to Boston harbor, moored it at the Marriot and walked to the meetings. One day we gave everyone a ride and motored around the harbor, see below.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Holler photo
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Pagosa Springs visit
Over the holidays, Nancy and I drove to Pagosa Springs to relax and enjoy the area. On the way down from Wolf Creek Pass we stopped to watch the Big Horn sheep scale up the mountain high up on the pass. There is something special about watching these creatures in nature, not to mention the fact that they knock rocks off the cliffs onto highway 160.
At the condo we enjoyed splendid views of Pagosa Peak. We visited Laura and Pierre and sat in the hot springs for a couple of hours on Saturday. It was only 22 degrees for the high that day but with 108 degree water... who cares?

Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas!
Today a savior is born to you! And yet it was night when he was born. It's an eternal metaphor: night it must be, and it becomes day in the middle of the night when the savior is born. "Today" is a declaration of eternal time. It is repeated from generation to generation, for every individual among those millions. And every time anyone in truth becomes a Christian it says: Today a savior is born to you!
Merry Christmas to you all.

Thursday, December 24, 2009
Old Friends II
Craig and I were roommates and the last of the bachelors in the group. We used to say, "a bachelor is a man who thinks before he acts, and then doesn't act." But, he who hesitates is lost. It's a good thing you didn't hesitate my friend!
After 30 years I finally found my old friend Deane Terry (pictured below with me). Our plan is to get together again and go fishing somewhere in Colorado next year. We looked pretty bad in this photo after hiking out of Supai in Grand Canyon.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Old friends
I found a few old photos. Uh Oh! I figure this might be a good recurring theme for the blog. Below are a couple of photos at Cathy and Paul's wedding in Flagstaff. Cathy hasn't changed a bit. Paul however, well... Paul wanted a transplant. The hospital explained that they no longer made the parts!
Of course I kept these old photos because I was an usher in their wedding. I'm the one in the middle and Nancy is behind me giving me bunny ears. I don't even think we were dating then. I know the names of every person in this photo. Do you?
If you can tell me the names of everyone in this photo, you're brilliant. I'll give you a head start. I'm the one on the far right. Of course I have a photographic memory, but once in a while I forget to take off the lens cap!

Monday, December 21, 2009
Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low-stress, non-addictive, gender-neutral celebration of the winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, or secular practices of your choice, with respect for the religious/secular persuasion and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all. I also wish you a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling and medically uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the generally accepted calendar year of 2010, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions to society have helped make America great. Not to imply that America is necessarily greater than any other country nor the only America in the Western Hemisphere. Also, this wish is made without regard to the race, creed, color, age, physical ability, religious faith or sexual preference of the wish.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in the year of our Lord Jesus Christ 2010.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in the year of our Lord Jesus Christ 2010.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Santa and Christmas trees
Santa is having a terrible time this year. Last year he deducted three trillion dollars for gifts, and now the IRS wants an itemized list! Then, Nancy and I gave our old Christmas tree to charity after 15 great years. It was sad to see it go. We went to Wall mart to buy another and they've got plastic Christmas trees now. They're hard to tell from the real aluminum ones.

Saturday, December 19, 2009
Environmental perspective
I'm a little irritated at the environmentalists to say the least. Now I consider myself an environmentalist. In other words, I'm an environmental conservative and want to see it preserved and carefully managed. However, some of the decisions being made and executed are touted as being "environmental" but are not. Here are two examples, hybrid and electric cars and wind mills. Let me give you some reasons why:
1. Car batteries is the first example, and there are a lot of them with all the hybrids being manufactured. Do you know where they put all these batteries when they're exhausted? Are they going to put them in the land fill? After all, batteries are a hazardous waste. They have to put them someplace. And, car batteries will take up far more space than spent nuclear fuel.
2. Re-chargeable batteries in hybrids and electric cars are made of nickel and cadmium. Where does that come from? It comes from mines, many of which are in Colorado. That doesn't sound very "sustainable" to me. In other words; like oil, we'll eventually run out of the stuff. What then? Auto makers are also turning to lithium. Half of the world's supply of lithium comes from Bolivia. Lithium is used in computer batteries because it holds more energy in a lighter, smaller space. However, it is not sustainable. In other words, there is not an unlimited supply. With Toyota now having sold over 1 million Prius' autos, GM and others are making more hybrids and electrics, where will it all end? Also, did you know that lithium plants produce sulfer dioxide, not good for the environment.
3. What about molybdenum oxide? Mined at Henderson mines, Urad, and Climax, all in Colorado (Henderson being the world's largest producer). Do you know what molybdenum oxide is used for (besides being an alloy agent for aircraft metal)? It's used to strengthen wind mills used to create energy. They're so big they need strengthening. Does that sound sustainable? What happens when we run out of molybdenum? Like oil, it will put an end to wind mills. Oh yea, China and Iran have molybdenum too (maybe we'll be dependent on them in 20 years for a supply of it instead of middle eastern countries for oil).
Abandoned mines are another problem in Colorado. Un-mined mineral deposits and mine dumps (ore and rock removed to get to ore deposits), and tailings (material left over after the ore processing), all contribute to environmental problems in Colorado. My home state. These contaminate the surrounding watershed and often create conditions so acidic that fish and aquatic insects can't survive.
Also, did I mention that cadmium toxicity level in birds is off the charts now in Colorado and it makes brittle bones in birds. Studies have found this to be the case in central Colorado. Read the links. My point is, the environmentalists make such a big deal about the horrible effects of drilling in Alaska, yet they tolerate the destruction of entire mountains in Colorado, and the killing of birds and fish in Colorado?
I recognize the need for good sources of renewable energy. Electric cars and wind mills aren't renewable and do create environmental problems. I would also submit to you that coal is worse environmentally than nuclear energy. But, that's another topic for later. At least nuclear would buy us some time to develop sustainable sources such as hydrogen cars and geo-thermal. My point is, cash for clunkers to get environmentally sound vehicles is not the truth. It's just bad politics.
1. Car batteries is the first example, and there are a lot of them with all the hybrids being manufactured. Do you know where they put all these batteries when they're exhausted? Are they going to put them in the land fill? After all, batteries are a hazardous waste. They have to put them someplace. And, car batteries will take up far more space than spent nuclear fuel.
2. Re-chargeable batteries in hybrids and electric cars are made of nickel and cadmium. Where does that come from? It comes from mines, many of which are in Colorado. That doesn't sound very "sustainable" to me. In other words; like oil, we'll eventually run out of the stuff. What then? Auto makers are also turning to lithium. Half of the world's supply of lithium comes from Bolivia. Lithium is used in computer batteries because it holds more energy in a lighter, smaller space. However, it is not sustainable. In other words, there is not an unlimited supply. With Toyota now having sold over 1 million Prius' autos, GM and others are making more hybrids and electrics, where will it all end? Also, did you know that lithium plants produce sulfer dioxide, not good for the environment.
3. What about molybdenum oxide? Mined at Henderson mines, Urad, and Climax, all in Colorado (Henderson being the world's largest producer). Do you know what molybdenum oxide is used for (besides being an alloy agent for aircraft metal)? It's used to strengthen wind mills used to create energy. They're so big they need strengthening. Does that sound sustainable? What happens when we run out of molybdenum? Like oil, it will put an end to wind mills. Oh yea, China and Iran have molybdenum too (maybe we'll be dependent on them in 20 years for a supply of it instead of middle eastern countries for oil).

I recognize the need for good sources of renewable energy. Electric cars and wind mills aren't renewable and do create environmental problems. I would also submit to you that coal is worse environmentally than nuclear energy. But, that's another topic for later. At least nuclear would buy us some time to develop sustainable sources such as hydrogen cars and geo-thermal. My point is, cash for clunkers to get environmentally sound vehicles is not the truth. It's just bad politics.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Waterton Canyon
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Another anniversary
In early January it will be our 33rd anniversary. Below is a photo of Nancy high on the slopes of Mt. Bierstadt last summer, a 14,000 ft. peak here in Colorado. I like what Louis L'Amour said about women in The Walking Drum. "All women are strange until they become familiar, but I have forgotten other women. How could even a memory be left after having seen you?"
But the best L'Amour quote was from Mustang Man; "Look out for the women. You never know whether they're going to scream, or faint, or go for a gun."

Monday, December 14, 2009
The Associated Press referred to this photo as the Nash drive past Kenyon Martin. My question is, "How do you drive with the ball in both hands?" Oh yea, I forgot. It's the NBA. "No Bonehead Afficials." Well, close enough. The truth is basketball is a sport in which 10 perfect specimens get a two-hour workout while millions of fans who need the exercise sit back and watch them.

Sunday, December 13, 2009
It's been really cold here all week. The snow is still on the ground since that last snowfall and the lakes are all frozen up. We tried to walk down to Chatfield Lake but there was too much snow on the trail. In fact, it was so cold the other night our neighbor's snowman tried to get into the house! So we sent our rabbit out to "blow him away."

Saturday, December 12, 2009
Babies and laughter
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Another Brrrr!
This morning the temperature at my house was -15. Ouch! I drove to the YMCA again for another workout and got really cold this time. The temp at the Y was only -12. It was so cold the guy at the front desk at the Y was wearing his toupee upside down! On the way home I saw a guy walking his Dalmatian with thermal spots.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Walla Walla barrels
Last weekend Genaro and I went to Walla Walla for the winter barrel opening. We had a great time and brought his daughter Marissa and her friend Erin on the trip.
Of course the grapes have all been harvested for the year but we enjoyed driving around the vineyards for two days and searching for the next stop. We hit 15 vineyards. I met a nice couple from California at one place. Californians all have a great tan. It comes from snorting shoe polish.
This is the front door of one of the wineries we visited. Pretty nice huh! Several of the wineries we visited had dogs. The dog at this place was an American Legion dog. He stopped at every post. They like dogs at these places because they wag their tails instead of their tongues. At the end of the second day we drove back to Vancouver and planned for another trip.

Monday, December 7, 2009
When we left for the YMCA at 5:30a this morning for our workout, the temperature was 7 degrees. At the Y it said it was 4. Tomorrow it's predicted to be -3 with snow. I don't like the trend. How come a snowbank is never overdrawn? With weather like this my car won't start running and my nose won't stop!

Sunday, December 6, 2009
The internal fight (among liberals) for a health care plan has begun. Some have to have a public option, some don't, some will not vote for it if it includes paying for abortion, many insist on this. Nothing has really changed. A frustrated Lyndon Johnson asked in 1967, "Do you know the difference between cannibals and liberals?" His answer was; "Cannibals eat only their enemies." And, Robert Frost described a liberal as someone who won't take his own side in a quarrel. Where does this all lead us?

Saturday, December 5, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
Moo Shoo Pork
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Broken tooth
Last week, the day we were about to leave for Tucson to see the kids, I cracked a tooth. I called Bruce my dentist, and he agreed to see me only hours before we were to leave town. What a great guy. The last time I was there he told me there are two good ways to keep my teeth: "Brush after meals and keep my mouth shut." But I can't make fun of my dentist. He's painless. He's worked on my teeth for years and never once had any pain! We did arrive in Tucson without incident. On the way there Nancy asked me if I had a good time at the dentist. I told her, "It was a scream."
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
The latest bumper stickers
I thought you might appreciate a few of the latest bumper stickers. The thing to remember is, to err is human. To shrug is civil service. And, whoever came up with this cash for clunker idea must be an economist. An economist's word is never done. So, here's a shortcut.
In socialism, everybody shares equally in getting the short end of the stick from the government. At least capitalism makes longer sticks.
As George Washington said when he was crossing the Delaware, "I can't understand it. I paid for a seat!"
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
More on Marijuana
Don't look at me. If I could handle pot, I'd have become a musician! I could've told the city leaders that the marijuana dispensaries would lead to something worse. Maybe not cocaine but a lawsuit? Once you open them and then close them you get sued. Did you space out a little? Now the city is going to have to put up signs all over the parks and lawn covered medians. KEEP ON THE GRASS. You know they now have a marijuana-flavored toothpaste at these dispensaries. You still get cavities, but you don't care!
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