Friday, November 30, 2007
Boondoggles and Freebies
Fred Thompson?? Yes, the Senator from Tennessee arrived in Washington in 1994 shortly after I arrived in Memphis. He brought with him a background of acting in a number of movies and a rapier wit. Early in his Senate term, he said, "I've still got a lot to learn about Washington. Why, yesterday I accidentally spent some of my own money."
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007
What binds us to God?
The difference I think between a non-Christian and a Christian isn't that the Christian isn't a sinner. He is a sinner and maybe a greater one at times. The difference is in how he regards his sin. The non-Christian sinks deeper and deeper and lets it get power over him. The Christian has a savior who rescues him from sin and Christ is the source of "grace." With grace the believer can then be transformed as with a father who gently helps him go forward. SK writes, "That a person wants to sit and brood and stare at his sin and is unwilling to have faith that it is forgiven: is this also guilt in that it is a minimizing of what Christ has done?"
How we regard what Christ has done for us and and that he's forgiven us is what should bind us to him.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Thanksgiving in Dallas Cont.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Thanksgiving in Dallas
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Another day of hiking
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Sacred Classics
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Blessed are the meek
A good friend asked me the other night what I thought about Jesus words, “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” He asked me what I thought meekness means. I had to think about it a little, so I did some research. Meekness I think is probably anti-American. Americans want to be strong, battle hardened, and we want to win by our strength. I’m sure in Jesus day as he went up the mountain to preach these words, his followers were expecting him to set up his kingdom on earth and be powerful in battle, win and beat the Romans. This is what men were looking for. Instead they get this meekness stuff. What was Jesus after?
Jesus did not begin in the material realm and build an army; he came to teach men that character comes before conduct. He came to teach the spiritual before the material. So I think the beatitudes have a lot to do with character. What kind of character does God want us to have? The word “blessed” is used over 40 times in Jesus sermon. Normally we would think of the word as something which is bestowed upon a person from God. Instead, I think it has more to do with a consciousness or condition we are in. Blessed refers to a condition or what he wants us to be. Really he wants us to be happy. Jesus described characteristics such as poor in spirit, they that mourn, the meek, etc. These are the characteristics that go to make the perfect “character.” The ultimate purpose is to bring multitudes of people into the
“Blessed are the meek” are those who are obedient to God and his rule, meekness is a submissive spirit, the spirit of true humility, and waits for orders. The meek inherit the earth. In other words they will find rest for their souls. According to G. Morgan, “The men, poor in spirit, mourning over failure, comforted by the One great Comforter, are meek; and “they shall inherit the earth,” for they have partaken of the very spirit of the King Himself.” I also think Jesus teaching was in contrast to the Pharisees (Jewish leaders of the day) who were proud and arrogant.
When you read the Sermon on the Mount you see the depth, the breadth, the beauty, and the supreme wisdom of God and how he teaches his people.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Too many rules
Here we are doing time for our crime! I guess I'd been watching so much baseball, and I was chewing gum and know...expectorating, and it just seemed like the thing to do. The next thing you know, they'll tax our tea.
Friday, November 9, 2007
I find it interesting also the way in which God creates the universe. Does he use the same method with man? God creates everything out of nothing - and all God is to use he first turns to nothing. Have we really come to grips with what God has done?
Monday, November 5, 2007
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Intelligent Design
Friday, November 2, 2007
The Grand Canyon Evolution and Intelligent Design
The book is about how he believes a Christian can reconcile the scientific notion of an old earth with the Genesis account written in the Old Testament of the Bible.